Shore Grammar Sports Complex
Shore Grammar
Novati Constructions

Products used in application
- Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM)
- Hyperseal BR & D200 Waterstops
Located at Northbridge on Sydney’s north shore, construction of the school sports pavilion grandstand & multi-purpose space at the Main Oval, a new pavilion for the soccer field and eight new tennis courts was undertaken by Novati Constructions in 2013 for Shore Grammar.
KRYFIX provided Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) concrete admixture, Krystol Broadcast and Hyperseal Waterstops to this project.
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is a chemical admixture used for the treatment of concrete and concrete products to protect against water intrusion, leakage, cracking, chemical attack, and corrosion of reinforcing steel. KIM has the advantage of being a self-sealing system that transforms concrete into a powerful waterproof barrier. Approx 1200m3 of Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) was applied to the Pavilion retaining walls, rainwater sprinkler tank base slab & walls. Krystol Broadcast, a crystalline waterproofing treatment for concrete flatwork, was applied to the concrete slab of the pavilion.
Hyperseal BR is a high performance, hydrophilic butyl rubber waterstop, which swells to form a long-lasting water-tight compression seal. Hyperseal BR and Hyperseal D200 were applied to the large underground basement detention tank.
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