St Vincent’s Hospital – O’Brien Centre
St Vincent’s Hospital
Richard Crookes Construction

Products used in application
- Hyperseal BR
- Hyperstop DB Waterstops
Richard Crookes Constructions completed construction of the O’Brien Centre at St Vincents Hospital in Darlinghurst, in Sydney’s inner city. Designed by Bligh Voller Nield architects, this building comprises the first fully integrated Mental Health, Alcohol & Drug & Community health facility in Australia. This Centre is a functional building with seven floors of patient accommodation and health teams with four levels of basement carparking for 228 cars.
KRYFIX provided Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) and Hyperseal Waterstops to this $41.5m project.
KRYFIX supplied Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) and Hyperstop DB and Hyperseal BR waterstops which were applied to the below-grade section of this building.
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is a hydrophilic crystalline admixture used to create permanently waterproof concrete. It is used for the treatment of concrete and concrete products to protect against water intrusion, leakage, cracking, chemical attack & corrosion of reinforcing steel.
Hyperstop DB is a high performance, hydrophilic butyl bentonite waterstop, which swells to form a long-lasting water-tight compression seal. Hyperseal BR is suitable for static or low movement construction joints, cold-joints and penetrations where there is any concern regarding water penetration.
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