Waverley Pavillion
Waverley Council
National BuildPlan

Products used in application
- Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) Admixture
- KGM Liquid Membrane
Located at Waverley, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, the redevelopment of the council sports pavilion included construction of function rooms and tiered spectator seating. It was completed by National BuildPlan for Waverley Council.
KRYFIX provided Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) concrete admixture to this project and KGM liquid membranes.
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is a chemical admixture used for the treatment of concrete and concrete products to protect against water intrusion, leakage, cracking, chemical attack, and corrosion of reinforcing steel. KIM has the advantage of being a self-sealing system that transforms concrete into a powerful waterproof barrier. Approx 1,000m3 of Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) was applied to the lower and upper level floors & roof area of this development.
KGM-100 is a single component moisture curing polyurethane membrane, which is coated over surfaces to form a seamless watertight finish. 500m2 of KGM-100 was applied to the green roof.
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