Waterproofing is an integral part of any building structure. It can be described as the process of making a structure waterproof, in order to ensure that it remains generally unaffected by incoming water streams & particles.
Waterproofing also happens to be one of the most frequently expressed building defects reported by homeowners. Below par/defective waterproofing can fail relatively easily & could lead to a whole host of issues down the line such as cracks, mold issues & structural defects.
Some of the most common questions by homeowners relating to waterproofing are:
- What Is A ‘Waterproofing Membrane ?
A waterproofing membrane is a common term for a coat of water-tight material that is applied to a surface in order to prevent water leaks or damage. A waterproofing membrane usually comprises a liquid applied waterproofing agent or pre-assigned sheet membrane.
At KRYFIX we have a wide range of waterproofing products available. Our brand KGM-Australia is known to supply contractors with a diverse range of liquid membranes, primers or sealers tailored to their individual job requirements.
2. Why Is Waterproofing Necessary?
Waterproofing is a necessary part of any building structure & construction process. As stated in AS3740 in 2010, waterproofing is mandatory in all wet rooms. This involves all bathrooms, en-suites, laundries & water closets. The physical structures that are included in this legislation are floors, walls, junctions, and penetrations.
Waterproofing these regions, particularly surrounding the bathroom are critical in eradicating any potential damage to the structural sturdiness of your property.
3. Can Waterproofing Fail?
The simple answer to this question is yes. The leading cause in these circumstances, however, usually relates back to poor workmanship. A large majority of waterproofing failures are due to careless & lackluster execution done by the waterproofing contractors.
The application of the wrong product is another common cause of waterproofing failure. However consistent inspections and prompt remedial waterproofing can help in stopping small leaks become major problems down the line.
4. Difference Between A Waterstop & A Waterproofing Membrane?
There is a broad difference between a waterstop & a waterproofing membrane. A waterstop is a product that is used to stop leakage and prevent moisture damaging a joint by being integrated in to the joint prior to the slab being poured.
A waterproofing membrane on the other hand is applied to the concrete join following the pour of the concrete. It is able to be applied not only to the join but all over the surface to prevent moisture from seeping in on all sides of the slab.
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